I went back to the gym on Wednesday for the first time since the kids broke up which is about 9 weeks ago now. I'd normally just do the step aerobics class because I always had to get back to pick Ellie up from pre-school but I promised myself that once Ellie went to school full time I would stay and do the second half which is the "Legs, bums and tums" part. It nearly killed me! Yesterday I was aching - today I'm even worse! I can hardly use my left arm which is not good! If you'd seen me in the shower this morning trying to wash my hair you'd have been laughing your socks off. I had to bend over double as I just couldn't lift my arm high enough to reach my head - Ouch!
I also found out on Wednesday that my aerobics instructor is going back to college on a Monday morning and so will only be doing the Wednesday class from now on. I'm mortified! Berties' classes are great. He's a Salsa dancer and incorporates a lot of Salsa moves into the aerobics or step aerobics classes so you end up doing turns and spins and mambos and stuff. He also breaks it up into little routines. He'll teach the first section of the routine at the front of the class then, when he thinks you should know it, he'll wander off round the room and because he's not there at the front to copy, you have to remember the routine in your head, which I really liked too.
Since going to Bertie's classes I've always found other aerobics classes boring especially the ones I've done with people who have filled in for Bertie when he's been away in the past. I must admit I'm not looking forward to my Monday morning session next week now. I just hope I'll be pleasantly surprised and they'll replace him with someone just as inspiring...
I need some of your discipline! I can usually find an excuse to skip the gym. I need to go back! All summer I went maybe a total of 6 times. I only went twice this week and last...hopefully next week I can make myself go and lose the weight I gained over the summer.
First off, let me just say that I totally admire you for even going to the gym! I've never been one to go to an organized exercise class, probably because I'm basically lazy. I do, however, walk my dog every day, and that is my exercise! I should do more! Anyway, I hope you get a new inspiring instructor! You go girl!
Hope it all works out for you at the gym. Good luck, you can always put on Shakira real loud "My hips don't lie" and dance you heart out! I do! Deb
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