Sunday, 12 April 2009

Happy Easter

What a wonderful Easter Day it has been too. We went off to Lymm today with some friends of ours. It nearly didn't happen (for me and the kids anyway) as Peej managed to fall down the stairs just a few minutes before we were due to set off and twisted his ankle and bashed his head. He couldn't even walk down the rest of the stairs so there was no way he was going to be able to drive. Of course my car is still poorly and won't be fixed until Wednesday and I can't drive Peej's car as it's enormous. I phoned my friend to explain what was happening and luckily she came to the rescue and offered to take me, Josh and Ellie in her car while her husband took their two girls in his car.

My other friend and her husband and daughter had gone early so that the "Easter Bunny" could go round and leave a trail of clues for the children to find. Each clue had a number which related to a question on a clipboard which my friend had been left by the Easter Bunny.

The photo below is the children answering a question about the size of different animals eggs. I think this one is a chickens egg.

and this one is a dinosaurs egg.

Unfortunately I couldn't persuade Josh to join the girls for this photo. Ellie is the one on the end in the purple top and the plaits. You wouldn't believe that the little girl sitting next to Ellie is starting in reception class in September and the other three will be going into year 2. I think Ellie takes after her Mum in the growth gene pool. LOL!
After the Easter Trail, which took us on a lovely walk all the way around the reservoir, we had lunch in the beer garden of a pub while the sun shone and the barges chugged past on the canal. What a wonderful way to spend an Easter Sunday.
Then just to finish off we went for a little stroll along the canal. The older girls decided to give Ellie a carry. I'm not quite sure why but they did make us laugh!
Just after this photo was taken a barge went past with some very merry people on it. The young ladies on board were sitting on the roof and had Easter bonnets with bright yellow chicks and eggs on them and yellow fluff. They called out to us to stay there as they had something for the kids. They managed to reverse the barge back up the canal to us and then one of them got off and offered all the children some delicious looking buns that had a swirl of chocolate and a little mini egg on top of each. They went down a storm! After lots of thank yous and Happy Easters and waving they were on their way and narrowly missed crashing into the wall on the other side of the canal. I think the guy steering needed to take a bit more water with his, but they were obviously having a lovely time and sharing it with everyone which was really nice.

It was a really lovely day, great weather, great walks and great company, what more could you ask for?! :-)

Hope your Easter Sunday was as enjoyable as ours!


ScrapMomOf2 said...

What fun photos! Sounds like you are having a wonderful Easter!! Is Peej OK? How awful that he hurt his head and his ankle!!

Dawn said...

Awww great photos - looks like lotsa fun was had!

pescbrico said...

Happy Easter to you and your family! :)

Dee said...

Pity that Peej wasn't able to go......... hope the ankle isn't too sore and the bang didn't cause a headache!!!

Sounds as though you all had a good time though... great photo's and wasn't it good of those people to share the buns with the children? See there is some good in the world. LOL

Lots of love Mum XXXX