Thursday, 25 October 2007

Christmas Cards!!

I realised today that I have not been keeping up with my 3 Christmas cards a day rule and if I don't pull my socks up I'm going to run out of time! So I had a bit of a production line kind of thing happening this afternoon and managed to make nine cards. I would have been happier if I'd made double that but it was a good effort and I'm now nine cards closer to my target than I was this morning.

I think I'll just upload them all and not write descriptions for each. All the papers used are freebies from magazines and most of the stamps are either Penny Black, Fun Stamps or belong to my mum so I've no idea who made them. I'll leave it to you to decipher which is which! :-)


Anonymous said...

Hi Fifi ! I didnt know you had a blog, i am just LOVING these cards of yours, great work ! I look forward to visiting often ! I will add you to my favorite blogs ! Im gonna check out all your cool slide shows now !

Maria said...

Wow 9 cards! You've been busy and you did a fabulous job! I love all the cards! You did wonderfully!


ScrapMomOf2 said...

WOW! They're ALL fantastic!

My Paper World said...

9 new cards! thats amazing, and they are all gorgeous!

Bee's Zen Garden said...

Ooh you are brave to make all your holiday cards!! I would have to start in January for them to be ready the following December!!...

Thanks for your answer regarding the glue for the tin. I wanted to try that glue so that helps that you pointed it is the right choice, LOL! I will follow your advice and start small and we'll see what happens!! :-)

Thanks also for pointing me to, I had fun making a little slide of my few cards! :-)

Sharon Caudle said...

Wow!!!! They're ALL adorable!!! Will you make some for me too???? :) I'm so far behind!!