Thursday, 1 November 2007

Happy Halloween!

I must apologise to everyone as I've not updated for ages (Peej has been sorting my computer) and I'm about to leave you all now for at least a week if not longer. I don't know when I'll next be able to update but please don't desert me as I will be back sometime within the next 2-3 weeks. Thank you for your patience.As a little softener for my departure I thought I'd share these photos of Josh and Ellie in their halloween costumes and the pumpkins they designed. I know in America Halloween is more like our "World Book Day" and little girls dress up as princesses and fairies and nice things too, so I'll explain that in England Halloween is very much about being as scary as possible and little girls dress as witches and spiders and pumpkins. No pretty princesses for us!!
This is Josh and Ellie being scary!
Josh and Ellie out "Happy Halloweening"


pescbrico said...

Great picutres! :) They seems to have fun :)

ScrapMomOf2 said...

CUTE photos! They are adorable! I love the pumpkins too!

My Paper World said...

Great photos, they both look fab!

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS !!!! How cute are they ?????

Heather P. said...

Awww, they are just TOO cute!